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From Lab to Thought: A Scientific-Philosophical Exploration
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- GIScience
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- Rahimi, S., Moore, A. B., and Whigham, P. A. (2023) “Counterfactual reasoning in space and time: Integrating Graphical Causal Models in Computational Movement Analysis” Transactions in GIS.
- Moore, A. B., Rahimi, S., and Borna K. (2022). “Geographic Vector Agents: Framework and Applications”. Nowostawski, M. and Regenbrecht, H. (Eds.), Festschrift for Martin Purvis. An Information Science “Renaissance Man”. College Publications.
- Rahimi, S., Moore, A. B., and Whigham, P. A. (2022); A Vector Agent Approach to Movement Modelling and Analysis; Nature Scientific Reports 12, 21179.
- Rahimi, S., Moore, A. B., and Whigham, P. A. (2021); Beyond objects in space-time: Towards a movement analysis model with ‘How’ and ‘Why’ elements; International Journal of Geo-Information; 10(3): 190.
- Rahimi, S., AshorNejad Q., Moore A. B. and Ghorbani, H. (2020); Obtaining and Weighting Spatial Decision Criteria for Edutainment Energy Parks Siting; Journal of Cleaner Production; 255.
- Rahimi, S., Shadman, M. and Abaspour, R.A. (2014); Using combined AHP-Genetic Algorithm in artificial groundwater recharge site selection of Garabaygan Basin; Environmental Earth Sciences; 72(6): 1979-1992.
- Shadman, M., Rahimi, S.and Jafar Beglou, M. (2014); PROMETHEE II and Fuzzy AHP: An Enhanced GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping; Natural hazards; 73(1): 77-95.
- FarajiSabokbar, H. A., Mahmodi Mimand, H., Rahimi, S. and Shadman, M. (2013); The Evaluation of land Eco-Capability for water planting using grey clustering analysis; World Applied Sciences Journal; 21(1): 142-151.
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